Using the editor

Once you have SpawnerTool Editor opened and with a SpawnerGraph, you will face this interface:

We split window in 2.

Firstly we have all fields. They help you set up each round with your necessities.

All fields can be modified with the mouse wheel to increase or decrease numbers.

Secondly, we have playground. Here you can play with enemy spawn blocks.


Horizontal small cells are equivalent to 1 second.

Every 5 small blocks, you have 1 track.

Collapse and zoom in/out features are already in development.

You can resize SpawnerTool Editor window to see more part of the round timeline, or you can use handlers or mouse-wheel to move vertically, or control+mouse-wheel to move horizontally.

Creating spawner blocks

To create an SpawnerBlock, just drag "Drag me" block into the Playground. You will automatically see a new created block. Dragging the block outside the bounderies of playground will delete it.

While a block is selected, you can change its properties via Inspector.

You can copy/paste, clone and delete this blocks fast. See Shortcuts for more information.

Round field

Round controls current editing round. It automatically saves/loads rounds on changing it.

You can modify its default and maximum value in EditorSettings.

Total Time

Total time controls total round time. It is independent for each round. Wave manager will start from 0 and go up to this number.

If a block has enemies outside round time, they won't spawn.


Tracks are just a way to visualize and build rounds easly.

They don't impact directly on gameplay, they are a way to visualize in the editor better.

If you need to spawn lots of enemies at the same time, you can create more tracks and visualize everything, so you don't have to put blocks inside blocks.

Grid Magnet

By default, placing blocks is rounded to integers, but disabling grid magnet will permit you put blocks in decimals.

Realize that you can even change at a custom milisecond in the Inspector, under "TimeToStartSpawning" variable.

Last updated