Setting Up Project

First you need to Set Up the project. In order to do this, you have to edit ProjectConfiguration window.

Do this by opening in the top-left menu "Tools/SpawnerTool/Project Configuration".

Here you will find two fields:

  1. Project settings: Project settings is a scriptable object you have to create in Project Window context menu via Create/SpawnerTool/Settings/ProjectSettings.

  2. EnemyFactory: Enemy Factory is an scriptable object you have to create in Project Window context menu via Create/SpawnerTool/Settings/EnemyFactory.

Project Settings

In Project Settings you must set up all enemies you will have in your project.

You can do this in Enemy Names list.

From there you can also change Enemy Blocks Color.

Dont worry, you can change EnemyBlocks Color inside SpawnerTool editor.

Enemy Factory

In enemy factory you will find a list of Enemy names and a GameObject slot.

Drag enemy prefabs into enemy factory, so WaveManager can spawn them.

You can implement your own spawning system in Wave Manager if you wish so.

Last updated