Managing Spawnpoints

Setting up the component

Create an empty game object in the scene. You can name it "SpawnPoints Manager", for example.

Add the component SpawnPointsIDManager to it.

Make sure "SpawnPoints Manager" is in world position (0,0,0). It's not necessary, but highly recommended.

Make sure that ShowAlways, ShowSpawnNumbers and ShowSpawnPoints are true for now.

Now, start by adding one empty child GameObject to "SpawnPoints Manager"

You will automatically see how your empty gameobject recieve an ID.

You can change debug visibility settings in the SpawnPointsIDManager inspector.

If you can see spawn points like these, you created SpawnPoints correctly.

You have renaming functionalities in order to manage spawn points better.


You can create more than one SpawnPointIDManager, and change the reference via CurrentSpawnPointsIDManager getter and setter in runtime.

This can be used to create different layouts in a map and randomize the experience.

Last updated